References about methodological developments of our group, as well as about biological investigations are given below. A lot of analyses have been performed using Hydrophobic Cluster Analysis (HCA), often in combination with other methods of sequence analysis and comparison. Investigations of particular interest relative to HCA are indicated ().
HCA Methodology / Voronoï tesselations / RUSSIA / Tightened End Fragments (TEFs)/ topohydrophobic positions/ Loops / other methodological developments - tools
Eudes R, Le Tuan K, Delettre J, Mornon JP, Callebaut I. A generalized analysis of hydrophobic and loop clusters within globular protein sequences. BMC Struct Biol. 2007 Jan 8;7(1):2. Pubmed
Hennetin J, Le Tuan K, Canard L, Colloc'h N, Mornon JP, Callebaut I. Non-intertwined binary patterns of hydrophobic/nonhydrophobic amino acids are considerably better markers of regular secondary structures than nonconstrained patterns. Proteins. 2003 May 1;51(2):236-44. Pubmed
Mornon JP. Hydrophobic compaction, curvature of space and deciphering protein sequences. Europhysicsnews. 2003. 34:16-9.
Callebaut I, Labesse G, Durand P, Poupon A, Canard L, Chomilier J, Henrissat B, Mornon JP. Deciphering protein sequence information through hydrophobic cluster analysis (HCA): current status and perspectives. Cell Mol Life Sci. 1997 Aug;53(8):621-45. Review. Pubmed
Semertzidis M., Thoreau E, Tasso A, Henrissat B, Callebaut I, Mornon JP.Exploitation of protein sequences through the 2D hydrophobic cluster analysis method (HCA). Does the helical net contain protein folding information. In Visual display of biological information, Pickover, C. ed, World Scientific Publishing 1995: 129-44.
Bourat G, Thoreau E, Mornon JP.2D-helical hydrophobic clusters : statistics and morphology. J Pharm Belg. 19940; 49: 226-35.
Woodcock S, Mornon JP, Henrissat B.Detection of secondary structure elements in proteins by hydrophobic cluster analysis. Protein Eng. 1992 Oct;5(7):629-35. Pubmed
Lemesle-Varloot L, Henrissat B, Gaboriaud C, Bissery V, Morgat A, Mornon JP. Hydrophobic cluster analysis: procedures to derive structural and functional information from 2-D-representation of protein sequences. Biochimie. 1990 Aug;72(8):555-74. Pubmed
Gaboriaud C, Bissery V, Benchetrit T, Mornon JP. Hydrophobic cluster analysis: an efficient new way to compare and analyse amino acid sequences. FEBS Lett. 1987 Nov 16;224(1):149-55. Pubmed
Dupuis F, Sadoc JF, Jullien R, Angelov B, Mornon JP. Voro3D: 3D voronoi tessellations applied to protein structures.Bioinformatics. 2005 Apr 15;21(8):1715-6.Pubmed
Dupuis F, Sadoc JF, Mornon JP. Secondary structure assignments through Voronoï tesselation. Proteins. 2004 May 15;55(3):519-28. Pubmed.
Angelov B, Sadoc JF, Jullien R, Soyer A, Mornon JP, Chomilier J. Nonatomic solvent-driven Voronoi tessellation of proteins: an open tool to analyze protein folds. Proteins. 2002 Dec 1;49(4):446-56. Pubmed
Soyer A, Chomilier J, Mornon JP, Jullien R, Sadoc JF.Voronoi tessellation reveals the condensed matter character of folded proteins. Phys Rev Lett. 2000 Oct 16;85(16):3532-5. Pubmed
Znamenskiy D, Le Tuan K, Mornon JP, Chomilier J. A new protein folding algorithm based on hydrophobic compactness: Rigid Unconnected Secondary Structure Iterative Assembly (RUSSIA). II: Applications. Protein Eng. 2003 Dec;16(12):937-48. Pubmed
Znamenskiy D, Chomilier J, Le Tuan K, Mornon JP. A new protein folding algorithm based on hydrophobic compactness: Rigid Unconnected Secondary Structure Iterative Assembly (RUSSIA). I: Methodology. Protein Eng. 2003 Dec;16(12):925-35. Pubmed
Znamenskiy D, Le Tuan K, Poupon A, Chomilier J, Mornon JP. Beta-sheet modeling by helical surfaces. Protein Eng. 2000 Jun;13(6):407-12. Pubmed
Tightened End Fragments (TEFs)
Lamarine M, Mornon JP, Berezovsky N, Chomilier J. Distribution of tightened end fragments of globular proteins statistically matches that of topohydrophobic positions: towards an efficient punctuation of protein folding? Cell Mol Life Sci. 2001 Mar;58(3):492-8. Pubmed
Lamarine M, Mornon JP, Berezovsky N, Chomilier J. Distribution of tightened end fragments of globular proteins statistically matches that of topohydrophobic positions: towards an efficient punctuation of protein folding? Cell Mol Life Sci. 2001 Mar;58(3):492-8. Pubmed
Poupon A, Mornon JP. Predicting the protein folding nucleus from a sequence FEBS Lett. 1999 Jun 11;452(3):283-9. Pubmed
Poupon A, Mornon JP. Populations of hydrophobic amino acids within protein globular domains: identification of conserved "topohydrophobic" positions. Proteins. 1998 Nov 15;33(3):329-42. Pubmed
Wojcik J, Mornon JP, Chomilier J. New efficient statistical sequence-dependent structure prediction of short to medium-sized protein loops based on an exhaustive loop classification. J Mol Biol. 1999 Jun 25;289(5):1469-90. Pubmed
Kwasigroch JM, Chomilier J, Mornon JP. A global taxonomy of loops in globular proteins. J Mol Biol. 1996 Jun 21;259(4):855-72. Pubmed
Other methodological developments / tools
Chomilier J, Lamarine M, Mornon JP, Hernandez Torres J, Eliopoulos E, Papandreou N. Analysis of fragments induced by simulated lattice protein folding. C R Biol. 2004 May;327(5):431-43. Pubmed
Labesse G, Mornon J. Incremental threading optimization (TITO) to help alignment and modelling of remote homologues.Bioinformatics. 1998;14(2):206-11. Pubmed
Durand P, Canard L, Mornon JP. Visual BLAST and visual FASTA: graphic workbenches for interactive analysis of full BLAST and FASTA outputs under MICROSOFT WINDOWS 95/NT. Comput Appl Biosci. 1997 Aug;13(4):407-13. Pubmed
Labesse G, Colloc'h N, Pothier J, Mornon JP. P-SEA: a new efficient assignment of secondary structure from C alpha trace of proteins. Comput Appl Biosci. 1997 Jun;13(3):291-5. Pubmed
Semertzidis MT, Hazout S, Etchebest C, Mornon JP. Hydrophobic neighboring homology (HNH) dotplot: an approach for assessing structurally similar motifs in proteins. Comput Methods Programs Biomed. 1994 Dec;45(4):265-82. Pubmed
Semertzidis MT, Deplanque S, Mornon JP. OMEGA: a three-dimensional databank for protein structures (a complement to PDB). Comput Appl Biosci. 1993 Dec;9(6):667-70. Pubmed
Colloc'h N, Etchebest C, Thoreau E, Henrissat B, Mornon JP. Comparison of three algorithms for the assignment of secondary structure in proteins: the advantages of a consensus assignment. Protein Eng. 1993 Jun;6(4):377-82. Pubmed
(since 1997)
Dulin F, Callebaut I, Colloc'h N, Mornon JP. Sequence-based modeling of Abeta42 soluble oligomers. Biopolymers. 2007 In press. Pubmed
Paillisson A, Levasseur A, Gouret P, Callebaut I, Bontoux M, Pontarotti P, Monget P. Bromodomain testis-specific protein is expressed in mouse oocyte and evolves faster than its ubiquitously expressed paralogs BRD2, -3, and -4. Genomics. 2006 In press. Pubmed
Letzelter M, Sorg I, Mota LJ, Meyer S, Stalder J, Feldman M, Kuhn M, Callebaut I, Cornelis GR. The discovery of SycO highlights a new function for type III secretion effector chaperones. EMBO J. 2006 Jul 12;25(13):3223-33. Pubmed
Carre-Mlouka A, Mejean A, Quillardet P, Ashida H, Saito Y, Yokota A, Callebaut I, Sekowska A, Dittmann E, Bouchier C, de Marsac NT. A new rubisco-like protein coexists with a photosynthetic rubisco in the planktonic cyanobacteria Microcystis. J Biol Chem. 2006 Aug 25;281(34):24462-71. Pubmed
Ray H, Moreau K, Dizin E, Callebaut I, Venezia ND. ACCA phosphopeptide recognition by the BRCT repeats of BRCA1. J Mol Biol. 2006 Jun 16;359(4):973-82.Pubmed
Frenal K, Callebaut I, Wecker K, Prochnicka-Chalufour A, Dendouga N, Zinn-Justin S, Delepierre M, Tomavo S, Wolff N. Structural and functional characterization of the TgDRE multidomain protein, a DNA repair enzyme from Toxoplasma gondii. Biochemistry. 2006 Apr 18;45(15):4867-74.Pubmed
Melin P, Norez C, Callebaut I, Becq F. The glycine residues G551 and G1349 within the ATP-binding cassette signature motifs play critical roles in the activation and inhibition of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator channels by phloxine B. J Membr Biol. 2005 Dec;208(3):203-12. Pubmed
Callebaut I, Dulin F, Bertrand O, Ripoche P, Mouro I, Colin Y, Mornon JP, Cartron JP. Hydrophobic cluster analysis and modeling of the human Rh protein three-dimensional structures. Transfus Clin Biol. 2006 Mar-Apr;13(1-2):70-84. Pubmed
Callebaut I, Malivert L, Fischer A, Mornon JP, Revy P, de Villartay JP. Cernunnos interacts with the XRCC4 x DNA-ligase IV complex and is homologous to the yeast nonhomologous end-joining factor Nej1. J Biol Chem. 2006 May 19;281(20):13857-60. Pubmed
Haren L, Remy MH, Bazin I, Callebaut I, Wright M, Merdes A.NEDD1-dependent recruitment of the gamma-tubulin ring complex to the centrosome is necessary for centriole duplication and spindle assembly. J Cell Biol. 2006 Feb 13;172(4):505-15. Pubmed
Murat D, Bance P, Callebaut I, Dassa E. ATP hydrolysis is essential for the function of the Uup ATP-binding cassette ATPase in precise excision of transposons. J Biol Chem. 2006 Mar 10;281(10):6850-9. Pubmed
Kakavanos R, Lehn P, Callebaut I, Meikle PJ, Parkinson-Lawrence
EJ, Hopwood JJ, Brooks DA. Common antigenicity for two glycosidases. FEBS Lett.
2006 Jan 9;580(1):87-92.
Eudes R, Lehn P, Ferec C, Mornon JP, Callebaut I. Nucleotide binding domains
of human CFTR: a structural classification of critical residues and disease-causing
mutations. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2005 Sep;62(18):2112-23. Pubmed
Callebaut I, Prat K, Meurice E, Mornon JP, Tomavo S. Prediction of the general transcription factors associated with RNA polymerase II in Plasmodium falciparum: conserved features and differences relative to other eukaryotes. BMC Genomics. 2005 Jul 23;6(1):100. Pubmed
Dentice M, Bandyopadhyay A, Gereben B, Callebaut I, Christoffolete MA, Kim BW, Nissim S, Mornon JP, Zavacki AM, Zeold A, Capelo LP, Curcio-Morelli C, Ribeiro R, Harney JW, Tabin CJ, Bianco AC. The Hedgehog-inducible ubiquitin ligase subunit WSB-1 modulates thyroid hormone activation and PTHrP secretion in the developing growth plate. Nat Cell Biol. 2005 Jul;7(7):698-705. Pubmed
Niv-Spector L, Gonen-Berger D, Gourdou I, Biener E, Gussakowsky EE, Benomar Y, Ramanujan KV, Taouis M, Herman B, Callebaut I, Djiane J, Gertler A. Identification of the hydrophobic strand in the A-B loop of leptin as major binding site III: implications for large-scale preparation of potent recombinant human and ovine leptin antagonists. Biochem J. 2005 In press Pubmed
Paillisson A, Dade S, Callebaut I, Bontoux M,
Dalbies-Tran R, Vaiman D, Monget P. Identification, characterization
and metagenome analysis of oocyte-specific genes organized in clusters
in the mouse genome. BMC Genomics. 2005 May 20;6(1):76. Pubmed
Callebaut I, Schoentgen F, Prat K, Mornon JP, Jolles P.
Characterization and study of a kappa-casein-like chymosin-sensitive
linkage. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2005 Jun 15;1749(1):75-80. Pubmed
Agrain C*, Callebaut I*, Journet L, Sorg I, Paroz
C, Mota LJ, Cornelis GR. Characterization of a Type III secretion
substrate specificity switch (T3S4) domain in YscP from Yersinia
enterocolitica. Mol Microbiol. 2005 Apr;56(1):54-67 (*equal
participation). Pubmed
Acquaviva C, Benoist JF, Pereira S, Callebaut I, Koskas T, Porquet D,
Elion J. Molecular basis of methylmalonyl-CoA mutase apoenzyme defect
in 40 European patients affected by mut(o) and mut- forms of
methylmalonic acidemia: identification of 29 novel mutations in the MUT
gene. Hum Mutat. 2005 Feb;25(2):167-76. Pubmed
Callebaut I, Mornon JP. OCRE: a novel domain made of imperfect, aromatic-rich octamer repeats. Bioinformatics. 2005 Mar;21(6):699-702. Pubmed
Feldmann J, Menasche G, Callebaut I, Minard-Colin V, Bader-Meunier B, Le Clainche L, Fischer A, Le Deist F, Tardieu M, de Saint Basile G. Severe and progressive encephalitis as a presenting manifestation of a novel missense perforin mutation and impaired cytolytic activity. Blood. 2005 Apr 1;105(7):2658-63. Pubmed
Dade S, Callebaut I, Paillisson A, Bontoux M,
Dalbies-Tran R, Monget P. In silico identification and structural
features of six new genes similar to MATER specifically expressed in
the oocyte. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2004 Nov 12;324(2):547-53. Pubmed
Hermand P, Gane P, Callebaut I, Kieffer N, Cartron JP, Bailly P.
Integrin receptor specificity for human red cell ICAM-4 ligand.
Critical residues for alphaIIbeta3 binding. Eur J Biochem. 2004
Sep;271(18):3729-40. Pubmed
Charier G, Couprie J, Alpha-Bazin B, Meyer V, Quemeneur E, Guerois R,
Callebaut I, Gilquin B, Zinn-Justin S. The Tudor tandem of 53BP1: a new
structural motif involved in DNA and RG-rich peptide binding. Structure
(Camb). 2004 Sep;12(9):1551-62. Pubmed
Mazerbourg S, Callebaut I, Zapf J, Mohan S, Overgaard M, Monget P. Up
date on IGFBP-4: regulation of IGFBP-4 levels and functions, in vitro
and in vivo. Growth Horm IGF Res. 2004 Apr;14(2):71-84. Pubmed
Charier G, Alpha-Bazin B, Couprie J, Callebaut I, Berenguer F, Quemeneur E, Gilquin B, Zinn-Justin S. 1H, 13C and 15N resonance assignments of the region 1463-1617 of the mouse p53 binding protein 1 (53BP1). J Biomol NMR. 2004 Mar;28(3):303-4. Pubmed
Callebaut I, Eudes R, Mornon JP, Lehn P. Nucleotide-binding domains of
human cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator: detailed
sequence analysis and three-dimensional modeling of the heterodimer.
Cell Mol Life Sci. 2004 Jan;61(2):230-42. Pubmed
Poinsignon C, Moshous D, Callebaut I, De Chasseval R, Villey I, De Villartay
JP. The Metallo-{beta}-Lactamase/{beta}-CASP Domain of Artemis Constitutes the
Catalytic Core for V(D)J Recombination. J Exp Med. 2004 Feb 2;199(3):315-321.
Dade S, Callebaut I, Mermillod P, Monget P. Identification of a new
expanding family of genes characterized by atypical LRR domains.
Localization of a cluster preferentially expressed in oocyte. FEBS
Lett. 2003 Dec 18;555(3):533-8. Pubmed
Neven B, Callebaut
I, Prieur AM, Feldmann J, Bodemer C, Lepore L, Derfalvi B,
Benjaponpitak S, Vesely R, Sauvain MJ, Oertle S, Allen R, Morgan G,
Borkhardt A, Hill C, Gardner-Medwin J, Fischer A, de Saint Basile G.
Molecular basis of the spectral expression of CIAS1 mutations
associated with phagocytic cell-mediated autoinflammatory disorders
CINCA/NOMID, MWS, and FCU. Blood. 2004 Apr 1;103(7):2809-15. Pubmed
Gregoire S, Logre C, Metharom P, Loing E, Chomilier J, Rosset MB, Aucouturier P, Carnaud C. Identification of two immunogenic domains of the prion protein--PrP--which activate class II-restricted T cells and elicit antibody responses against the native molecule. J Leukoc Biol. 2004 Apr 1 Pubmed
Feldmann J, Callebaut
I, Raposo G, Certain S, Bacq D, Dumont C, Lambert N, Ouachee-Chardin M, Chedeville
G, Tamary H, Minard-Colin V, Vilmer E, Blanche S, Le Deist F, Fischer A, de
Saint Basile G. Munc13-4 is essential for cytolytic granules fusion and is mutated
in a form of familial hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (FHL3). Cell. 2003
Nov 14;115(4):461-73. Pubmed
Renault F, Formstecher E, Callebaut I, Junier MP, Chneiweiss H. The
multifunctional protein PEA-15 is involved in the control of apoptosis
and cell cycle in astrocytes. Biochem Pharmacol. 2003 Oct
15;66(8):1581-8. Review. Pubmed
Callebaut I, Curcio-Morelli C, Mornon JP, Gereben B, Buettner C, Huang S, Castro
B, Fonseca TL, Harney JW, Larsen PR, Bianco AC. The iodothyronine selenodeiodinases
are thioredoxin-fold family proteins containing a glycoside hydrolase clan GH-A-like
structure. J Biol Chem. 2003 Sep 19;278(38):36887-96. Pubmed
Moshous D, Callebaut I, de Chasseval R, Poinsignon C, Villey I, Fischer A, de Villartay JP. The V(D)J recombination/DNA repair factor artemis belongs to the metallo-beta-lactamase family and constitutes a critical developmental checkpoint of the lymphoid system. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2003 Apr;987:150-7. Review. Pubmed
Mornon JP, Prat K, Dupuis F, Boisset N, Callebaut I. Structural features of prions explored by sequence analysis. II. A PrP(Sc) model. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2002 Dec;59(12):2144-54. Pubmed
Mornon JP, Prat K, Dupuis F, Callebaut I. Structural features of prions explored by sequence analysis I. Sequence data. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2002 Aug;59(8):1366-76.Pubmed
Callebaut I, Mignotte V, Souchet M, Mornon JP. EMI domains are
widespread and reveal the probable orthologs of the Caenorhabditis
elegans CED-1 protein. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2003 Jan
17;300(3):619-23. Pubmed
Siaut M, Zaros C, Levivier E, Ferri ML, Court M, Werner M, Callebaut I,
Thuriaux P, Sentenac A, Conesa C. An Rpb4/Rpb7-like complex in yeast
RNA polymerase III contains the orthologue of mammalian CGRP-RCP. Mol
Cell Biol. 2003 Jan;23(1):195-205. Pubmed
Peyroche G, Levillain E, Siaut M, Callebaut I, Schultz P, Sentenac A,
Riva M, Carles C. The A14-A43 heterodimer subunit in yeast RNA pol I
and their relationship to Rpb4-Rpb7 pol II subunits. Proc Natl Acad Sci
U S A. 2002 Nov 12;99(23):14670-5. Pubmed
Proux-Gillardeaux V, Galli T, Callebaut I, Mikhailik A, Calothy G, Marx
M. D53 is a novel endosomal SNARE-binding protein that enhances
interaction of syntaxin 1 with the synaptobrevin 2 complex in vitro.
Biochem J. 2003 Feb 15;370(Pt 1):213-21. Pubmed
Fabrega S, Durand P, Mornon JP, Lehn P. [The active site of human glucocerebrosidase: structural predictions and experimental validations] J Soc Biol. 2002;196(2):151-60. Review. French. Pubmed
Colloc'h N, Mornon JP, Camadro JM. Towards a new T-fold protein?: the coproporphyrinogen III oxidase sequence matches many structural features from urate oxidase. FEBS Lett. 2002 Aug 28;526(1-3):5-10. Pubmed
Krimm I, Ostlund C, Gilquin B, Couprie J, Hossenlopp P, Mornon JP, Bonne G, Courvalin JC, Worman HJ, Zinn-Justin S. The Ig-like structure of the C-terminal domain of lamin A/C, mutated in muscular dystrophies, cardiomyopathy, and partial lipodystrophy. Structure (Camb). 2002 Jun;10(6):811-23. Pubmed
Callebaut I, Moshous
D, Mornon JP, de Villartay JP. Metallo-beta-lactamase fold within nucleic acids
processing enzymes: the beta-CASP family.Nucleic Acids Res. 2002 Aug 15;30(16):3592-601.
Chardin P, Callebaut I. The yeast Sar exchange factor Sec12, and its
higher organism orthologs, fold as beta-propellers. FEBS Lett. 2002 Aug
14;525(1-3):171-3. Pubmed
Cavarec L, Kamphausen T, Dubourg B, Callebaut I, Lemeunier F, Metivier
D, Feunteun J, Fischer G, Modjtahedi N. Identification and
characterization of Moca-cyp. A Drosophila melanogaster nuclear
cyclophilin. J Biol Chem. 2002 Oct 25;277(43):41171-82. Pubmed
Dendouga N, Callebaut I, Tomavo S. A novel DNA repair enzyme containing
RNA recognition, G-patch and specific splicing factor 45-like motifs in
the protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Eur J Biochem. 2002
Jul;269(14):3393-401. Pubmed
Gatot JS, Callebaut I, Van Lint C, Demonte D, Kerkhofs P, Portetelle D,
Burny A, Willems L, Kettmann R. Bovine leukemia virus SU protein
interacts with zinc, and mutations within two interacting regions
differently affect viral fusion and infectivity in vivo. J Virol. 2002
Aug;76(16):7956-67. Pubmed
Del Angel VD, Dupuis F, Mornon JP, Callebaut I. Viral fusion peptides and identification of membrane-interacting segments. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2002 May 17;293(4):1153-60. Pubmed
Callebaut I. An EVH1/WH1 domain as a key actor in TGFbeta signalling. FEBS Lett. 2002 May 22;519(1-3):178-80.Pubmed
Nancy V,
Callebaut I, El Marjou A, de Gunzburg J. The delta subunit of retinal
rod cGMP phosphodiesterase regulates the membrane association of Ras
and Rap GTPases. J Biol Chem. 2002 Apr 26;277(17):15076-84. Pubmed
Mouche F, Gontero B, Callebaut I, Mornon JP, Boisset N. Striking
conformational change suspected within the phosphoribulokinase dimer
induced by interaction with GAPDH. J Biol Chem. 2002 Feb
Brooks DA, Fabrega S, Hein LK, Parkinson EJ, Durand P, Yogalingam G, Matte U, Giugliani R, Dasvarma A, Eslahpazire J, Henrissat B, Mornon JP, Hopwood JJ, Lehn P. Glycosidase active site mutations in human alpha-L-iduronidase. Glycobiology. 2001 Sep;11(9):741-50.Pubmed
Bouchard P, Chomilier J, Ravet V, Mornon JP, Vigues B. Molecular characterization of the major membrane skeletal protein in the ciliate Tetrahymena pyriformis suggests n-plication of an early evolutionary intermediate filament protein subdomain. J Cell Sci. 2001 Jan;114(Pt 1):101-110. Pubmed
Levivier E, Goud B, Souchet M, Calmels TP, Mornon JP, Callebaut I. uDENN, DENN, and dDENN: indissociable domains in Rab and MAP kinases signaling pathways. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2001 Sep 28;287(3):688-95.Pubmed
C, Benoist JF, Callebaut I, Guffon N, Ogier de Baulny H, Touati G,
Aydin A, Porquet D, Elion J. N219Y, a new frequent mutation among
mut(degree) forms of methylmalonic acidemia in Caucasian patients. Eur
J Hum Genet. 2001 Aug;9(8):577-82. Pubmed
Wolff N, Gilquin B, Courchay K, Callebaut I, Worman HJ, Zinn-Justin S.
Structural analysis of emerin, an inner nuclear membrane protein
mutated in X-linked Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy. FEBS Lett. 2001
Jul 20;501(2-3):171-6. Pubmed
Laguri C,
Gilquin B, Wolff N, Romi-Lebrun R, Courchay K, Callebaut I, Worman HJ,
Zinn-Justin S. Structural characterization of the LEM motif common to
three human inner nuclear membrane proteins.Structure (Camb). 2001
Moshous D, Callebaut I, de Chasseval R, Corneo B, Cavazzana-Calvo M, Le Deist
F, Tezcan I, Sanal O, Bertrand Y, Philippe N, Fischer A, de Villartay JP. Artemis,
a novel DNA double-strand break repair/V(D)J recombination protein, is mutated
in human severe combined immune deficiency. Cell. 2001 Apr 20;105(2):177-86.Pubmed
Brault E, Gautreau A, Lamarine M, Callebaut I, Thomas G, Goutebroze L. Normal membrane localization and actin association of the NF2 tumor suppressor protein are dependent on folding of its N-terminal domain.J Cell Sci. 2001 May;114(Pt 10):1901-12. Pubmed
Eyries M, Michaud A, Deinum J, Agrapart M, Chomilier J, Kramers C, Soubrier F. Increased shedding of angiotensin-converting enzyme by a mutation identified in the stalk region. J Biol Chem. 2001 Feb 23;276(8):5525-32. Pubmed
Mulsant P, Lecerf F, Fabre S, Schibler L, Monget P, Lanneluc I, Pisselet C, Riquet J, Monniaux D, Callebaut I, Cribiu E, Thimonier J, Teyssier J, Bodin L, Cognie Y, Chitour N, Elsen JM. Mutation in bone morphogenetic protein receptor-IB is associated with increased ovulation rate in Booroola Merino ewes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2001 Apr 24;98(9):5104-9. Pubmed
El Nemer W, Gane P, Colin Y, D'Ambrosio AM, Callebaut I, Cartron JP, Van Kim CL. Characterization of the laminin binding domains of the Lutheran blood group glycoprotein.J Biol Chem. 2001 Jun 29;276(26):23757-62. Pubmed
Callebaut I, Poupon A, Bally R, Demaret JP, Housset D, Delettre J, Hossenlopp P, Mornon JP. The uteroglobin fold. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2000;923:90-112. Pubmed
N, Callebaut I, Frenois F, Jarlier V, Sougakoff W.Study of the
structure-activity relationships for the pyrazinamidase (PncA) from
Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Biochem J. 2001 Feb 1;353(Pt 3):453-8. Pubmed
Callebaut I, de Gunzburg J, Goud B, Mornon JP. RUN domains: a new
family of domains involved in Ras-like GTPase signaling. Trends Biochem
Sci. 2001 Feb;26(2):79-83. Pubmed
Benoist JF, Acquaviva C, Callebaut I, Guffon N, Ogier de Baulny H, Mornon JP, Porquet D, Elion J. Molecular and structural analysis of two novel mutations in a patient with mut(-) methylmalonyl-CoA deficiency. Mol Genet Metab. 2001 Feb;72(2):181-4. Pubmed
Fabrega S, Durand P, Codogno P, Bauvy C, Delomenie C, Henrissat B, Martin BM, McKinney C, Ginns EI, Mornon JP, Lehn P. Human glucocerebrosidase: heterologous expression of active site mutants in murine null cells.Glycobiology. 2000 Nov;10(11):1217-24. Pubmed
Durand P, Fabrega S, Henrissat B, Mornon JP, Lehn P. Structural features of normal and mutant human lysosomal glycoside hydrolases deduced from bioinformatics analysis. Hum Mol Genet. 2000 Apr 12;9(6):967-77. Review. Pubmed
Colloc'h N, Poupon A, Mornon JP. Sequence and structural features of the T-fold, an original tunnelling building unit. Proteins. 2000 May 1;39(2):142-54. Pubmed
Paoletti P, Perin-Dureau F, Fayyazuddin A, Le Goff A, Callebaut I, Neyton J. Molecular organization of a zinc binding n-terminal modulatory domain in a NMDA receptor subunit. Neuron. 2000 Dec;28(3):911-25. Pubmed
Marques F, Moreau JL, Peaucellier G, Lozano JC, Schatt P, Picard A, Callebaut I, Perret E, Geneviere AM. A new subfamily of high molecular mass CDC2-related kinases with PITAI/VRE motifs. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2000 Dec 29;279(3):832-7. Pubmed
Gilges D, Vinit MA, Callebaut I, Coulombel L, Cacheux V, Romeo PH, Vigon I. Polydom: a secreted protein with pentraxin, complement control protein, epidermal growth factor and von Willebrand factor A domains. Biochem J. 2000 Nov 15;352 Pt 1:49-59. Pubmed
Callebaut I, Gilges D, Vigon I, Mornon JP. HYR, an extracellular module involved in cellular adhesion and related to the immunoglobulin-like fold. Protein Sci. 2000 Jul;9(7):1382-90. Pubmed
Souchet M, Poupon A, Callebaut I, Leger I, Mornon J, Bril A, Calmels TP. Functional specificity conferred by the unique plasticity of fully alpha-helical Ras and Rho GAPs. FEBS Lett. 2000 Jul 14;477(1-2):99-105. Pubmed
Hermand P, Huet M, Callebaut I, Gane P, Ihanus E, Gahmberg CG, Cartron JP, Bailly P. Binding sites of leukocyte beta 2 integrins (LFA-1, Mac-1) on the human ICAM-4/LW blood group protein. J Biol Chem. 2000 Aug 25;275(34):26002-10. Pubmed
Girardeau JP, Bertin Y, Callebaut I. Conserved structural features in class I major fimbrial subunits (Pilin) in gram-negative bacteria. Molecular basis of classification in seven subfamilies and identification of intrasubfamily sequence signature motifs which might Be implicated in quaternary structure. J Mol Evol. 2000 May;50(5):424-42. Pubmed
Corneo B, Moshous D, Callebaut I, de Chasseval R, Fischer A, de Villartay JP. Three-dimensional clustering of human RAG2 gene mutations in severe combined immune deficiency. J Biol Chem. 2000 Apr 28;275(17):12672-5. Pubmed
Lin F, Blake DL, Callebaut I, Skerjanc IS, Holmer L, McBurney MW, Paulin-Levasseur M, Worman HJ. MAN1, an inner nuclear membrane protein that shares the LEM domain with lamina-associated polypeptide 2 and emerin. J Biol Chem. 2000 Feb 18;275(7):4840-7.Pubmed
Poupon A, Jebai F, Labesse G, Gros F, Thibault J, Mornon JP, Krieger M. Structure modelling and site-directed mutagenesis of the rat aromatic L-amino acid pyridoxal 5'-phosphate-dependent decarboxylase: a functional study. Proteins. 1999 Nov 1;37(2):191-203. Pubmed
Talfournier F, Colloc'h N, Mornon JP, Branlant G. Functional characterization of the phosphorylating D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase from the archaeon Methanothermus fervidus by comparative molecular modelling and site-directed mutagenesis. Eur J Biochem. 1999 Oct 1;265(1):93-104. Pubmed
Halaby DM, Poupon A, Mornon J. The immunoglobulin fold family: sequence analysis and 3D structure comparisons. Protein Eng. 1999 Jul;12(7):563-71. Pubmed
Wojcik J, Girault JA, Labesse G, Chomilier J, Mornon JP, Callebaut I. Sequence analysis identifies a ras-associating (RA)-like domain in the N-termini of band 4.1/JEF domains and in the Grb7/10/14 adapter family. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1999 May 27;259(1):113-20. Pubmed
Thoreau V, Berges T, Callebaut I, Guillier-Gencik Z, Gressin L, Bernheim A, Karst F, Mornon JP, Kitzis A, Chomel JC. Molecular cloning, expression analysis, and chromosomal localization of human syntaxin 8 (STX8). Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1999 Apr 13;257(2):577-83. Pubmed
I, Courvalin JC, Mornon JP. The BAH (bromo-adjacent homology) domain: a
link between DNA methylation, replication and transcriptional
regulation. FEBS Lett. 1999 Mar 5;446(1):189-93.Pubmed
Girault JA, Labesse G, Mornon JP, Callebaut I. The N-termini of FAK and
JAKs contain divergent band 4.1 domains. Trends Biochem Sci. 1999
Girault JA, Labesse G, Mornon JP, Callebaut I. Janus kinases and focal adhesion kinases play in the 4.1 band: a superfamily of band 4.1 domains important for cell structure and signal transduction. Mol Med. 1998 Dec;4(12):751-69. Review. Pubmed
Labesse G, Craescu CT, Mispelter J, Chottard G, Marden MC, Pin S, Forest E, Mornon JP, Boccara M. Engineering, expression and biochemical characterization of the hemoglobin domain of a Erwinia chrysanthemi flavohemoprotein. Eur J Biochem. 1998 May 1;253(3):751-9. Pubmed
The immunoglobulin superfamily: an insight on its tissular, species, and functional diversity. J Mol Evol. 1998 Apr;46(4):389-400. Pubmed
Talfournier F, Colloc'h N, Mornon JP, Branlant G. Comparative study of the catalytic domain of phosphorylating glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenases from bacteria and archaea via essential cysteine probes and site-directed mutagenesis. Eur J Biochem. 1998 Mar 15;252(3):447-57. Pubmed
Porta A, Colonna-Romano S, Callebaut I, Franco A, Marzullo L, Kobayashi GS, Maresca B. An homologue of the human 100-kDa protein (p100) is differentially expressed by Histoplasma capsulatum during infection of murine macrophages. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1999 Jan 27;254(3):605-13. Pubmed
Callebaut I, Cossart P, Dehoux P. EVH1/WH1 domains of VASP and WASP proteins belong to a large family including Ran-binding domains of the RanBP1 family. FEBS Lett. 1998 Dec 18;441(2):181-5. Pubmed
Madry C, Laabi Y, Callebaut I, Roussel J, Hatzoglou A, Le Coniat M, Mornon JP, Berger R, Tsapis A. The characterization of murine BCMA gene defines it as a new member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily. Int Immunol. 1998 Nov;10(11):1693-702. Pubmed
Ayadi L, Callebaut I, Saguez C, Villa T, Mornon JP, Banroques J. Functional and structural characterization of the prp3 binding domain of the yeast prp4 splicing factor. J Mol Biol. 1998 Dec 4;284(3):673-87. Pubmed
Carbonnet F, Hattab C, Callebaut I, Cochet S, Blancher A, Cartron JP, Bertrand O. Kx, a quantitatively minor protein from human erythrocytes, is palmitoylated in vivo. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1998 Sep 29;250(3):569-74. Pubmed
Callebaut I, Mornon JP. The V(D)J recombination activating protein RAG2 consists of a six-bladed propeller and a PHD fingerlike domain, as revealed by sequence analysis.Cell Mol Life Sci. 1998 Aug;54(8):880-91. Pubmed
Mornon JP, Halaby D, Malfois M, Durand P, Callebaut I, Tardieu A. alpha-Crystallin C-terminal domain: on the track of an Ig fold. Int J Biol Macromol. 1998 May-Jun;22(3-4):219-27. Pubmed
Gatot JS,
Callebaut I, Mornon JP, Portetelle D, Burny A, Kerkhofs P, Kettmann R,
Willems L. Conservative mutations in the immunosuppressive region of
the bovine leukemia virus transmembrane protein affect fusion but not
infectivity in vivo. J Biol Chem. 1998 May 22;273(21):12870-80. Pubmed
Calmels TP, Callebaut I, Leger I, Durand P, Bril A, Mornon JP, Souchet
M. Sequence and 3D structural relationships between mammalian Ras- and
Rho-specific GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs): the cradle fold. FEBS
Lett. 1998 Apr 17;426(2):205-11. Pubmed
Vincent V, Goffin V, Rozakis-Adcock M, Mornon JP, Kelly PA. Identification of cytoplasmic motifs required for short prolactin receptor internalization. J Biol Chem. 1997 Mar 14;272(11):7062-8. Pubmed
Halaby D, Thoreau E, Djiane J, Mornon JP. Homology modeling of rabbit prolactin hormone complexed with its receptor. Proteins. 1997 Mar;27(3):459-68. Pubmed
Benit L, De Parseval N, Casella JF, Callebaut I, Cordonnier A, Heidmann T. Cloning of a new murine endogenous retrovirus, MuERV-L, with strong similarity to the human HERV-L element and with a gag coding sequence closely related to the Fv1 restriction gene. J Virol. 1997 Jul;71(7):5652-7. Pubmed
Callebaut I, Courvalin JC, Worman HJ, Mornon JP. Hydrophobic cluster analysis reveals a third chromodomain in the Tetrahymena Pdd1p protein of the chromo superfamily. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1997 Jun 9;235(1):103-7. Pubmed
Ye Q,
Callebaut I, Pezhman A, Courvalin JC, Worman HJ. Domain-specific
interactions of human HP1-type chromodomain proteins and inner nuclear
membrane protein LBR.J Biol Chem. 1997 Jun 6;272(23):14983-9. Pubmed
Durand P, Lehn P, Callebaut I, Fabrega S, Henrissat B, Mornon JP.
Active-site motifs of lysosomal acid hydrolases: invariant features of
clan GH-A glycosyl hydrolases deduced from hydrophobic cluster
analysis. Glycobiology. 1997 Mar;7(2):277-84.
Callebaut I, Mornon JP. From BRCA1 to RAP1: a widespread BRCT module
closely associated with DNA repair. FEBS Lett. 1997 Jan 2;400(1):25-30.
Callebaut I, Mornon JP. The human EBNA-2 coactivator p100: multidomain
organization and relationship to the staphylococcal nuclease fold and
to the tudor protein involved in Drosophila melanogaster development.
Biochem J. 1997 Jan 1;321 ( Pt 1):125-32.Pubmed
Crystal structures
(and associated publications)
Retailleau P, Colloc'h N, Vivares D, Bonnete F, Castro B, El-Hajji M, Mornon JP, Monard G, Prange T. Complexed and ligand-free high-resolution structures of urate oxidase (Uox) from Aspergillus flavus: a reassignment of the active-site binding mode. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr. 2004 Mar;60(Pt 3):453-62. Pubmed PDB:1R54 PDB:1R51 PDB:1R4U PDB:1R4S
Bayol A, Capdevielle J, Malazzi P, Buzy A, Claude Bonnet M, Colloc'h N, Mornon JP, Loyaux D, Ferrara P. Modification of a reactive cysteine explains differences between rasburicase and Uricozyme, a natural Aspergillus flavus uricase. Biotechnol Appl Biochem. 2002 Aug;36(Pt 1):21-31. Pubmed
Colloc'h N, el Hajji M, Bachet B, L'Hermite G,
Schiltz M, Prange T, Castro B, Mornon JP. Crystal structure of the
protein drug urate oxidase-inhibitor complex at 2.05 A resolution. Nat
Struct Biol. 1997 Nov;4(11):947-52. Pubmed